A Gathering of Heroes' Chronicle

A RPG campaign that takes place in the continent of Westeros, from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


   The dungeon cells of Stonewall were the last place on Westeros Tytos Sylver thought he would know. He chuckled as he remembered how different his life had been just a few days before… before Rolland arrived. At first, he had been happy to see his brother again, but that quickly changed when they visited Stonewall. Marion was there, as beautiful as ever. Tytos smiled as he remembered the times he had seen her around Silvercrossing. She liked to ride and would always pass through Stony Bridge. That’s why he was always at the town – to get a chance to see her. Tytos wanted to finally talk to her during the visit, but Rolland was all over her. And even mocked him when he reminded his brother Marion was a Burlington. How he had wanted to hit his brother that night! Maybe that’s why he invaded the Whispering Wood. To prove he could succeed at something without Rolland’s consent or support. But now he was a prisoner of the accursed Burlingtons. His only chance of escaping blown away by his brother. He wondered what could possibly have passed Rolland’s head to convince him that damn Braavosi was a better choice for champion than Wencel Borran. Rolland had sealed his fate. Tytos would now be a sworn brother of the Night’s Watch, condemned to spend the rest of his life fighting savages in the everlasting cold of the Wall, with rapists and murderers as comrades.
   As he realized the hopelessness of his situation, a great sadness came upon Tytos and he let the tears roll free.


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