A Gathering of Heroes' Chronicle

A RPG campaign that takes place in the continent of Westeros, from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels.

Friday, April 08, 2005


   As he takes leave of Cerdik, Rolland is informed by Lyonce that Lord Wesley has agreed to meet the Sylver heir. At the appropriate time, Rolland arrives bringing Dario, Cerdik and a handful of men-at-arms along. Lord Wesley is similarly accompanied. Both nobles meet at middle of the Stony Bridge, where Rolland accuses Burlington of poisoning him and his father, and hiding bandits in the Whispering Wood. Lord Wesley denies both accusations and brings Tytos forward, in chains. The young Sylver is bruised and battered. Burlington tells Rolland that his brother and a few soldiers invaded the Whispering Wood and attacked his guards. Tytos denies the charges, but Rolland knows the situation is difficult. At his advice, Tytos asks for a trial by combat, which is set for the next day, at dawn, on the same place.


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